We’re excited to announce the Trapped In The Past documentary, and an incredible opportunity for Giving Tuesday.
We’ve teamed up with Exposed Wildlife Conservancy to create a five-part series ‘exposing’ the truth behind commonly held rationalizations for the trapping industry and the use of killing neck snares. This series, projected to release November 2022, will also be edited into a full-length documentary to be submitted to festivals and other opportunities.
By telling the story of killing neck snares through a well-researched science and fact-based series of documentaries, we truly believe we can expose not only the need to end the use of these snares, but a need for our society to address how we view and value wildlife in Canada.
To make this announcement even more exciting, a supporter has challenged us: they’ll donate up to $10,000 if we can raise $10,000 in the week of Giving Tuesday! This is the LARGEST matching gift challenge we’ve ever had, and a huge opportunity to fund the documentary project! This means means if you donate $50, we’ll get an additional $50 from this funder – to a maximum of $10,000. We’re hoping you’ll also make a generous donation to help us fulfill the maximum amount from this matching gift and help us raise $20,000 next week.
Donations to our project can be made below! Your donation will be put to work immediately with the filming and production of the first elements of the documentary series. Canadian tax receipts will be sent in a year-end summary for eligible donations.