Urban cougar tranquilized, to be relocated outside of city

Photo by Victoria Police Department
A young cougar who wandered into a Victoria neighbourhood is being given a rare second chance at life outside the big city.

VictoriaBuzz.com reported on the fortunate series of events that began Sunday night at approximately 7 pm.

Police were contacted about a sighting of the cougar, though could not confirm it when they arrived on site. The next morning, however, more calls began pouring in.

Video footage by CTV News shows a group of police officers, conservation officers, and photojournalists chasing the cougar through the neighbourhood – with the help of onlookers who spotted the big cat as he darted between houses, parked cars, and fences.

CTV Footage

Conservation officers were able to successfully and safely tranquilize the juvenile male, who will be transported into a more appropriate environment near Port Renfrew.

“He lost his way and ended up in the city and couldn’t find his way out,” Conservation Officer Peter Pauwels told VictoriaBuzz.com. “He was tranquillized and we’re going to try to relocate him.”

In the past, conservation officers, police, and other officials have stated that cougars could not be tranquilized and relocated, and that lethal control was the only option to “protect public safety” when they roamed into developed areas.

We want to congratulate and thank the conservation officers, Victoria Police officers, and residents who all played a role in the safe, compassionate actions that will allow this young cougar to remain free and healthy in British Columbia.

Photo by Victoria Police Department

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