VICTORY: Port Moody passes motion to promote beaver co-existence

VICTORY: Port Moody passes motion to promote beaver co-existence

You did it! Beavers in Port Moody will have better lives thanks to the hard work of advocates like Jim and Judy Atkinson, the Klahanie neighbourhood, and City Councillor Meghan Lahti!

Through 2017, residents of Port Moody requested The Fur-Bearers work with the city as officials planned how to address a family of beavers in Pigeon Creek. The city did consult with The Fur-Bearers regarding tree protection in February 2017, but claimed their “experts” could manage the beavers when the family denned in culvert at the creek.

Despite best intentions, a beaver kit died, and the community was outraged.

BLOG: Port Moody Beaver Plan Leaves Baby Beaver Dead

Fortunately, the neighbourhood, advocates, and at least one councillor were able to turn that outrage into action. Councillor Meghan Lahti submitted a report (see page 423) to her fellow council members on the need to focus on “co-existence, best management practices, and implementation of strategies that use alternatives to extermination and/or relocation whenever possible.”

Last night (Tuesday, January 23), Councillor Lahti put forward a motion to council that would advise city staff to develop a beaver management plan on these principles – and it passed unanimously!

All members of council acknowledged the hard work of local advocates and Councillor Lahti on the issue, and recognized that doing better is an option.

“I want to thank the Atkinsons and the Klahanie community for paying close attention to what could have been overlooked as an unfortunate consequence of standard approaches to beaver management,” said Councillor Hunter Madsen.

You can watch the discussion of the motion through the city’s video archive of the meeting (skip to item 9.10) by clicking here.

The Fur-Bearers are looking forward to assisting Port Moody in the development of their plan in whatever ways are needed, as well as with on-site training, akin to what we’ve offered to other municipalities across Canada.

Congratulations to the Atkinsons, the Klahanie community, Councillor Meghan Lahti, and everyone who spoke out on behalf of the beavers – you did it!

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