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Each year in Canada over three million animals are inhumanely killed for their fur. While full-length fur coats are no longer popular, plenty of fur can be found on the hoods of jackets, hats, gloves, boots, trinkets and toys. These small pieces of fur trim are part of a calculated attempt by thefur industry to keep its cruel product on the market.
More than 730,000 animals aretrappedin cruel traps each year, and are subject to unrelenting pain for hours, days, or even weeks, with many chewing off their own limbs to escape.
Traps are not selective, placing all animals and people at risk, including dogs, cats and numerous endangered species. Animals who survive long enough for the trapper to return will be “dispatched” by clubbing, choking, or stomping, so as to not damage their fur. Fully aware of these disturbing standard practices and how much they would horrify the average Canadian, the fur industry’s strategy has been to either sidestep the issue altogether or spread as much misinformation as possible. For more information, visit