You may not get to cuddle fur-bearing animals, but volunteering with The Fur-Bearers does help improve the lives of the animals. The work of volunteers allows our staff to focus on advocacy – meeting with political leaders and policymakers to change by-laws affecting fur-bearing animals. Volunteers allow us to research non-lethal solutions to wildlife conflict and engage other experts. Volunteers allow us to spend time building flow devices and helping the public manage wildlife conflicts. Volunteers allow us to spend time in classrooms, teaching children to be kind and compassionate towards animals.
Whether volunteers help at events spreading the message to help wildlife, or help in the office stuffing envelopes, they are truly helping staff aid wildlife across Canada. These tasks are absolutely critical to the function of The Fur-Bearers. If you can help by volunteering, you make us much stronger and louder.
Helen Keller said “alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
We need to be louder. We need you now. We need individuals that can commit, even for just one event.
In particular we have an immediate need for help:
- Manning booths at events (we will train and you won’t be alone): June 21, July 11 & 12, and August 2.
- Admin help: two to four hours on July 8, 9, 10.
Please email if you can help or have questions.