What animal issues are important to you?

What animal issues concern you most? The BC SPCA is currently developing a new five-year strategic plan and they are looking for your feedback. To leave your comments, click here.

The BC SPCA was created under the auspices of the provincial Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act (PCA Act), and is the only animal welfare organization in BC that has the authority to enforce laws relating to animal cruelty, and to recommend charges for Crown Counsel for the prosecution of individuals who inflict suffering on animals.

Help Make A Difference

Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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About Us

Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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