What do you see in fur trim?

Today is an exciting day for us at Fur-Bearers.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our subway ad campaign in Toronto! For the next 6 weeks, the roughly one million people daily riders in Toronto will be asked a simple question: what do you see in fur trim?

While the majority of Canadians see the same thing we do (a cruel and unnecessary product), it is undeniable that Canada Goose and companies like it have been chiefly responsible for the recent resurgence in fur trim.

So we ask riders: Do you see a trapped animal? A caged animal? Or even a best friend? No gimmicks. No angle. Just an honest question. What do you see in fur trim? Is it really possible to see past the unnecessary suffering and death?

The ‘Fur Trim Is A Trap’ campaign was launched for a very simple reason: to expose the truth about the fur trade, to call on individuals to make compassionate decisions, and to work towards ending the commercial fur trade. The ways in which the fur trade traps animals are heinous whether it is using a leg-hold, Conibear or snare trap, or confining them to the tiny, filthy cages used on fur farms both here and abroad (the dog/cat fur industry in Asia). But it doesn’t end there. The fur industry traps people as well, primarily through the perpetuation of three main ‘myths’. They are: fur is ‘humane’; fur is integral to the survival of indigenous communities; and fur is ‘green’. ‘Fur Trim Is A Trap’ aims to counter this misinformation, and to tell the story of trapping through the eyes of the real witnesses of the trade: the animals.

Let’s end this cruel trend together. Please visit www.furtrimisatrap.com for more information, get involved, and share our ad!

PS: If this ad has moved you, please consider sending a quick message to the Toronto Transit Commission to commend them for running the ads. There are two ways to reach them, we suggest you do both! By phone: 416-393-3030 and via online form.

Help Make A Difference

Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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