Why coyote killing contests are good and the Earth is flat

coyote hunting contest
Our friends at Coyote Watch Canada are doing a great job this week of profiling the unnecessary cruelty and potential ecological strife of a coyote-killing contest in Alberta.

But in several news articles, comments are popping up that are cause for concern, and can neatly be summed up with this comment on a CBC.ca article:

“Now the animal lib people are telling us that guys shooting coyotes with rifles *increases* their population lol! Sorry, I will take the word of an old farmer or trapper any day of the week over your Ph.D!”

While we certainly appreciate the observations of those on-the-ground farmers and trappers, we first want to drop the word ‘bias’ around a few times, as well as ‘follow the money’ to any reporters or politicians who may be reading.

Following that, we want to discuss another important observation from many, one that took hundreds, arguably thousands of years, to develop: the Earth is flat.

It’s maybe kind of disc-like and even could have some dome-ish properties. But it is certainly flat.

After all, if you look into the distance you can see the horizon is pretty much flat. Buildings are built with a flat bottom, not a curved one, which would be obviously necessary if the planet were spherical. The Flat Earth Society even has a list of experiments to prove their beliefs.

If you haven’t noticed, we’re being a little bit facetious.

We rely on science over casual observation because the scientific method works. It’s the difference between correlation and causal link. And, quite frankly, it’s the difference between good government policy relating to wildlife and a disturbing, dark future.

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Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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