Wildlife are not pets – not even a moose in a trailer park

Sometimes you don’t want to write a blog – you see something that’s so ridiculous, you figure there’s no chance anyone will believe it. But sometimes, there’s a media outlet that already did the dirty work.

The Times Colonist is reporting that biologists are reminding residents of Alaska that moose are not pets. Actually.

“They just had it in the living room, as if it was a puppy," state biologist Todd Rinaldi told reporters.

It would appear that throughout the northern state, residents are taking it upon themselves to welcome roaming moose into their lives – and not in a co-existing kind of way.

“In the Anchorage incident, someone called authorities Friday to report that a cow moose with two calves was running around a mobile home park. At one point, one of the calves separated from the mother,” reported the Times Colonist.

"Evidently, some man took it upon himself to tackle it and tie it up with an electrical cord," Anchorage area wildlife biologist Jessy Coltrane said.

As a result of this news – and the several deep breaths taken before this blog was written – we are amending our usual keep wildlife wild message to include this statement: keep wildlife wild, even if there’s a moose outside of your trailer.

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