Photo by Milaspage / Getty Images
The Fur-Bearers are pleased to announce the winner of our first online WIN for Wildlife 50/50 raffle is Anne T., of Victoria, BC!
The raffle, which ran August 1, 2022 to August 30, 2022, netted a jackpot of $11,930. Split 50/50, this is a fantastic prize for our lucky draw winner, and a huge boon for the animals. The Fur-Bearers will utilize the funding received from this raffle on a youth-directed humane education project. Details will be coming soon.
Did you miss out on this 50/50 draw? Don’t worry – we’ve already started planning our next one for British Columbia, opening December 1. We’re also investigating opportunities to hold raffles in Ontario and other provinces/territories.
Stay up to date on future raffles, other fundraisers like our upcoming silent auction, and our campaigns by signing up for our eNewsletter. Just click here to get started.
We’d like to send a huge thank you out to everyone who purchased tickets for this first raffle, and can’t wait to share with you details of the next ones!