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You helped raise over $1,000 for Bella’s treatment and transport

leg-hold trap Bella
It is with great pride that we’re able to report Bella, the dog whose teeth were severely injured when she was caught in a leg-hold trap, is home in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador, and recovering well.

In our conversation with Peg Pelley, Bella’s owner, on Defender Radio, we learned the details of the harrowing incident. While out for their regular jaunt on a popular trail, Bella became trapped in a leg-hold located only feet off the road. In the few minutes it took for Peg to find Bella, the beautiful lab-mix had broken 17 teeth on the trap.

Specialized dental surgery was required and the family flew to Montreal. The costs for the surgery and the trip exceeded $5,000. Fortunately for Peg, a retiree, and her daughter Megan, the community came together. A local pet store raised over $2,300; one anonymous person donated $1,000; a friend donated reward miles to Peg so she could fly at no cost. And you, our wonderful supporters, raised $1,118 for the Pelley family and Bella’s treatment.

We spoke again with Peg and learned that the specialist in Montreal was able to save most of Bella’s teeth by filing them down and adding fillings to others. Only two have to be extracted. But the road to full recovery isn’t necessarily going to be easy.

Bella, a rescue dog, has always been skittish, Peg said. But since the incident, her anxiety seems to have increased. She is sleeping more than usual and gets upset when someone leaves the house. But with time, Bella should continue to recover. We’ve seen some awfully cute photos of Bella with Whiskey, the Pelley family’s other dog.

We can’t thank everyone enough for passing on all the wonderful well wishes to the Pelleys and the incredible donations. We’re hoping that Bella and her family have a merry Christmas as a result.

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