Your support is needed to get the media to report on this epidemic

dogs in traps
Five dogs trapped. Three dead. One seriously injured. One lucky enough to go unharmed. We’re calling this an epidemic – and we need your help to get the media to start covering it.

On Monday, December 22, 2014, we sent out a news release – three dogs trapped in a one-month period. To us, it was shocking. But to the media – at least, the media at large – it wasn’t. Outside of the local publications where the three incidents occurred, there was no coverage.

And then the next day we learned of two more dogs who were trapped, one of whom was killed. We’ve sent out another press release to media outlets across the country. But we need your help in making sure they hear our voices.

Public parks have become minefields – and they’re protected by provincial and territorial law. “Certified humane” traps can be placed within spitting distance – and leash distance – of highly-used trails. These traps range from the infamous leg-hold to the “quick-kill” Conibear.

There is no regulation requiring signage that traps are in the area. There is no regulation requiring any kind of compensation to an owner, or fine or disciplinary action whatsoever for a trapper who kills a domestic dog. For pet owners, a lovely afternoon walk can become a waking nightmare in an instant – and there’s not a damned thing they can do about it.


Look up your preferred media outlet, whether they’re a local newspaper, a national broadcaster or a popular radio station, and email them our press release (you can download it here, or copy and paste this link: Tell them that this news scares you and you want them to share it with the public – so pet owners, wildlife lovers and anyone who enjoys nature, can be properly informed an try to stay safe.

Let us know if you hear back from any media outlets and forward their response to us at [email protected].

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Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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