Outreach & Education

There is an emergency happening outside our doors. Environmental destruction, animal cruelty, human suffering. There are so many urgent issues that are competing for our attention. It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed, discouraged, angry and pessimistic about the future.
Thankfully, there is a new approach. A movement aimed at our youth to help teach empathy, compassion, understanding and critical thinking skills. In doing so, we’re creating a new world of citizens who are better equipped to offer solutions to the world’s most challenging problems.
“The world becomes what you teach.” ~ Zoe Weil, Humane Educator
Humane education is a field of study that helps young people acquire the skills necessary to make daily choices that will do the most good and least harm for people, animals, and the planet.
By integrating activities that encourage both critical thinking and compassion into existing provincial curriculum, students will be better prepared and empowered to create social change.
The Fur-Bearers supports humane education through classroom presentations, and by distributing age-appropriate literature at community events. We are also proud to offer a variety of scholarship opportunities.
Classroom & Community Group Presentations
If you are a teacher or instructor and would like to learn more about our virtual classroom or community group presentations (available via Zoom), please contact Lesley Fox at [email protected].
Topics include coexisting with wildlife, urban wildlife, animal welfare, community activism, animals portrayed in the media, and animal ethics – particularly as it relates to fur farming and wildlife trapping. Presentations are personalized for each group, making them suitable for all ages, abilities and ESL. Presentations can also be designed to meet the BC Ministry of Education’s Prescribed Learning Outcomes for Social Justice 12, English and Social Studies.