TAKE ACTION: Petition launched to end fur farming in Canada
Sign and share the petition to end fur farming in Canada!
Sign and share the petition to end fur farming in Canada!
Take action to stop this cruel practice and protect wildlife in Ontario today!
New public opinion survey shows widespread public support for a ban on fur farming in British Columbia.
Read The Fur-Bearers’ submission to Ontario’s consultation on restraining neck snares and take action today!
Family’s harrowing experience sparks calls for updates to trapping regulations – take action now!
The Fur-Bearers sent a letter to BC Premier David Eby calling for trapping reforms after more pets injured in traps.
Your voice is needed to stop the inherently inhumane industry that puts animals, the environment, and public health at risk.
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation plans to kill rabbits on Granville Island. Take action today to halt the killing.
The Ministry of Forests has rejected calls to end the commercial trapping of beavers after a devastating wildlife season.
The province needs to implement urgent measures to stop the commercial and recreational trapping of beavers and recognize their ecological benefits.
The Fur-Bearers join Animal Justice in calling for an end to ‘trial and train’ areas following disturbing photos and videos.
British Columbia is seeking input to a draft Grizzly Bear Stewardship Framework. Learn how to have your voice added!
House of Commons petition requires 500 signatures to be entered into the legislature
Portion of bill allows creation of new and sale of existing dog trial and train area licenses, where wild captured foxes and coyotes are used to train dogs to hunt them.
The consultation period is only open until May 18, 2023 – ACT TODAY to reject the province’s proposal to allow new licenses for dog hunting pens.
This post does not contain any graphic photos. Take action to help end the inhumane wolf cull in British Columbia.
TAKE ACTION: The Fur-Bearers and Coyote Watch Canada are calling on the Province of Saskatchewan to take action on bounties for coyotes.
The Fur-Bearers are encouraging residents to contact Council and Mayor after Coyote Watch Canada found a coyote struggling in a neck snare.
New documents obtained by The Fur-Bearers reveal that government contractors are killing wolf pups in British Columbia’s wolf cull.
Incidents of companion animals injured and killed crop up in PEI, Manitoba, and Alberta as trapping season opens.
The Fur-Bearers is calling on our British Columbia supporters to contact their MLA and express their concerns about the wolf cull.
New policy will also allow for use of dogs to hunt cougars and wild birds. Tell the Alberta government you don’t support these measures today!
Beavers living in the Watson Slough wetland to be killed by the provincial Crown corporation
We are calling on our supporters, animal protection advocates, and all members of the public to engage with their elected representatives on this issue.
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002