BC plans to keep killing wolves
Despite clear opposition from the public, government continues with plan to aerial gun wolves as part of their caribou recovery plans.
Despite clear opposition from the public, government continues with plan to aerial gun wolves as part of their caribou recovery plans.
BC plans to kill wolves for five more years in a bid to protect endangered caribou. But survey results show most people oppose their plans.
Defender Radio returns for its 8th season to share unsettling news about B.C. auctioning cutblocks in the middle of critical caribou habitat.
A new paper contests the policy-setting study that led British Columbia down the path of killing hundreds of wolves in a cull. Amelia Porter, one of The Fur-Bearers' science advisors, joined Defender Radio to explore both studies and what the updated information could mean.
Aerial killings of wolves the centre of court filings.
Nearly 500 wolves killed as part of cull to protect caribou.
Report shows mountain caribou have lost more habitat than what's needed for their survival.
NGO alleges aerial shooting is in contravention of BC law.
Non-lethal solutions exist and can protect at-risk caribou without slaughtering wolves.
Document unearthed by Conservation North indicates plan to kill at least 80% of wolves in regions.
Plans to protect mountain caribou are being developed, but will industry and political misinformation mixed with willful ignorance of economics and science determine their fate? Charlotte Dawe of the Wilderness Committee joins Defender Radio to discuss.
Dr. Gilbert Proulx’s book spells out the scientific case to end the use of snares and strychnine.
The government of British Columbia intends to continue killing grey wolves in an ultimately futile attempt to save endangered mountain caribou. Researchers have noted that
The public’s opportunity to comment on the Alberta government’s proposal to step up the killing of wolves to protect endangered mountain caribou – even though
The habitat is being destroyed. The caribou are losing their homes. The wolves are being murdered. All for the sake of a few dollars in
Adding fuel to the fire caused by their decision to murder over 100 wolves in a weak attempt to protect caribou, the BC government has
Adding to the upsetting news that the government of Alberta will likely expand their wolf cull, the British Columbia government has announced they will begin
After killing nearly 1,000 wolves to protect endangered caribou, scientists announced culls would be little more than a stop-gap measure; the only true way to
Nearly 1,000 wolves have been killed during a seven year cull in an attempt to save the Little Smoky caribou herd in northwestern Alberta. The
Interfering in nature causes nature to rebel. It’s difficult at times to grasp the massive complexity of individual ecosystems, let alone how those ecosystems work
The risk for Mountain caribou in western Canada is at a critical juncture – and the policies of governments of BC and Alberta are not
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002