The Fur-Bearers release free beaver coexistence book
Booklet includes overview of beaver coexistence strategies and extensive references.
Booklet includes overview of beaver coexistence strategies and extensive references.
Executive Director Lesley Fox will be speaking at Alberta conference organized by Cochrane Ecological Institute.
Dr. Kristen Walker of UBC talks compassionate conservation, coexistence, harm reduction in wildlife research and more!
There is a problem in Coquitlam, and it isn’t the bears.
“There is a clear lack of trust between the public and the COS,” says Lesley Fox of The Fur-Bearers. “This cannot continue."
High-value bird seed can attract bears even if garbage is properly secure.
Trappers say that trap warning signs put them at risk of damages and loss of traps. We say that children and pets are more important.
Door hangers handed out by volunteers will help educate public on how to live with coyotes.
Hear from PhD candidate Robert James Lennox how an in-depth literature review of predator removal studies shows a string of costly failures, while co-existence promises long-term solutions in this news brief!
Spring bears aren’t going mad with hunger, they’re going to remember the last place they found a delicious snack, and they can be rehabilitated. Get it in five with the Defender Radio News Brief!
Bears are looking for an easy meal in BC. It’s up to us to protect them from conflict, and potential lethal action, with responsible waste management practices.
Design an original piece of art featuring a raccoon, and you could see it on a t-shirt from The Fur-Bearers (and get your own shirt, of course)!
The Fur-Bearers are seeking an appeal of a court’s decision on their case regarding the Conservation Officer’s authority to kill wildlife who isn’t at large or dangerous.
It’s easy to get angry when a store we like starts selling fur. It’s better to get active.
Parks Canada plan to kill beavers on hold following outcry from residents, and The Fur-Bearers have offered to assist from afar or in the field.
Get to know Martes pennant with this page from The Fur-Bearers!
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002