Five tips to help wildlife thrive this winter
You may be surprised to learn third tip – and the visual impact it could have on your winter landscape.
You may be surprised to learn third tip – and the visual impact it could have on your winter landscape.
Dr. Valli Fraser-Celin breaks down a study that can help understand the causes behind declines – and therefore the solutions.
Bears in British Columbia need stronger protections against industrial development and resource extraction.
Late summer and fall is a time of increased bear activity. Learn about hyperphagia and the steps you can take to help keep bears and people safe.
Beavers are known to be ecosystem engineers. Can they also help during times of drought and wildlfires?
New information shows that the province of British Columbia killed 217 wolves in 2023 in its annual wolf killing program.
An iconic Canadian species, wolves play an important role in the country’s ecosystems. But what perspectives do Canadians have towards wolves?
This post does not contain any graphic photos. Take action to help end the inhumane wolf cull in British Columbia.
The Fur-Bearers is excited to award our Beaver Institute Scholarship for 2023!
The Fur-Bearers has opened applications for the Beaver Institute Scholarship. Submit your application today!
Wildlife protection organization calls for immediate moratorium and audit of 2021-2022 wolf cull activities
An amendment to the Wildlife Act has been proposed that would protect bear dens across British Columbia.
The Fur-Bearers Arts & Science Scholarship was launched in 2021 to support individuals who are committed to improving coexistence with wildlife in Canada.
Read our letter to the Auditor General calling for an audit of the BCCOS.
The Fur-Bearers has published data showing areas where black bears are being killed by conservation officers in British Columbia.
Read about a wolverine research project conducted in the heart of the Rocky Mountains
Read our open letter about a Saskatchewan Conservation Officer bringing a young moose to a school classroom.
BC animal artist Sarah Ronald on her philosophy, showing human impact on wildlife, the role of art and her new exhibit at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum in Vancouver.
BC plans to kill wolves for five more years in a bid to protect endangered caribou. But survey results show most people oppose their plans.
Impacts include people leaving trails, plant life being damaged, toxic materials and potential negative encounters with wildlife.
President Theodore Roosevelt's conservationism contemplated in new book: Leave It As It Is by David Gessner.
Education and research are being hit hard by COVID-19; but the outlook isn't all negative, writes Cassandra D'Andrea.
Conservationist Ana Giovanetti on her life changing experience working with chimpanzees and the community in Zambia.
Two views tend to battle out the ethics of coyote fur by companies like Canada Goose, but one opinion is never considered.
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002