Nanoose Bay cougar shows need for husbandry changes
Cougars are well established and known on Vancouver Island; many practices are available for landowners with farmed animals to prevent issues.
Cougars are well established and known on Vancouver Island; many practices are available for landowners with farmed animals to prevent issues.
New policy will also allow for use of dogs to hunt cougars and wild birds. Tell the Alberta government you don’t support these measures today!
Ten concerned residents have increased original reward from $1,000 to $10,000 leading to identification and conviction of the person(s) responsible.
A bobcat and a mountain lion have both died directly from the effects of anticoagulant rat poisons.
TAKE ACTION: Wildlife killing contests are unscientific, inherently inhumane, and go against the ethics of most Canadians. It's time for British Columbia to end them.
Dr. Gilbert Proulx’s book spells out the scientific case to end the use of snares and strychnine.
Are media reports of fearless predators accurate, or can we co-exist with cougars? Bryce Casavant joins Defender Radio podcast to explain how we can live alongside Canada’s big cats!
The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has responded to questions raised by The Fur-Bearers in our blog last week, “Rare animals killed in
A cougar, an endangered animal in Ontario, and one rarely seen, was found dead in a snowbank. A wolverine, a threatened animal in Ontario, and
Behaviour described as “highly habituated and conditioned” led to two young cougars being killed by conservation officers in a small coastal community of British Columbia
Cougar sightings in the area of Port Moody have led police to ask residents to be aware of their presence – but the subtleties of
We met earlier this year to discuss the growing divide between the public and the essential first responders of the Conservation Officer Service (COS). Sadly, we are seeing the ongoing consequences of a lack of oversight of this service, and poor policy that remains unchallenged by your office.
The head of a trapping association in Alberta has confirmed that by-catch is “inevitable." The Mountain View Gazette spoke to Larry Nielson, president of the
Damning information about snares in Alberta is revealing just how dangerous the indiscriminate killing devices are – to all creatures who explore the province’s wilds.
Scientists have developed new theories regarding the increase in conflict between humans and wild carnivores, and virtually all of them point directly at human behaviour
The very public story of an apologetic trapper who accidentally caught and killed a rare cougar in Manitoba offers insight into the mind of the
A young cougar who wandered into a Victoria neighbourhood is being given a rare second chance at life outside the big city. reported on
In the middle of researching non-lethal solutions for cougars in urban areas following reports of a planned killing of the wild cats in Gibsons, The
Residents in West Vancouver – and across Canada – were sadly not surprised when a young female cougar was shot and killed in a residential
Data published by The Calgary Herald shows that an increase in province-wide conflict with cougars correlates precisely to a vast increase in hunting of the
Your voices are being heard! Within 48 hours of the news of the brutally shot cougar in Calgary – and your posting, reposting and commenting
A cougar was brutally shot and killed outside of a Calgary hospital yesterday, after Fish and Wildlife officers – who took hours to get on
Two wild animals are safe after conservation officers were able to take action and remove them from potential conflict situations in the last week. In
Perhaps the most mystic – and most feared – wildlife in Canada, wolves are making a comeback. Throughout the western United States, wolf populations are
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002