Baited snares put pets at risk
These tips will keep your family safe and show you how to release snare traps in Canada.
These tips will keep your family safe and show you how to release snare traps in Canada.
Pearl continues to recover from a full leg amputation following her encounter with a trap in February 2024.
For animal lovers of all types, this can be an extremely trying time, whether you have a dog who’s noise sensitive or reactionary, a cat that ventures outdoors, or are aware of the wildlife scurrying around your neighbourhood.
Dog’s companion believes the trap was set by a poacher targeting beavers, and land owners say they were unaware of traps.
Need solutions to dealing with the smell or knowing when to seek veterinary care?
Family’s harrowing experience sparks calls for updates to trapping regulations – take action now!
The Fur-Bearers sent a letter to BC Premier David Eby calling for trapping reforms after more pets injured in traps.
Killing snares set within town limits highlights importance of municipal trapping bans.
Incidents of companion animals injured and killed crop up in PEI, Manitoba, and Alberta as trapping season opens.
Knowing how to respond to wildlife follows during a run or bike ride can make an amusing anecdote out of what may otherwise be an worrying wildlife encounter.
Resident notes trap was unmarked, covered in snow on service road near Proctor Lake in British Columbia.
Similar incident inspired long-time director George Clements to get involved with The Fur-Bearers.
Dogs are feeling stressed, too, and walks can be a place of joy for you both.
How to keep your furry family members safe during the pandemic.
A will can protect your pets after you're gone and make sure their future care is binding.
Tips to reduce conflict and fear with wildlife for dog and cat families.
Between door knocking, costumes, and west coast fireworks, Halloween can be a bit too spooky for pets.
The Fur-Bearers are offering $1,000 to identify and convict the person(s) responsible for killing a beloved family pet and poaching. There are no graphic images in this article.
Coyotes are mating, but inaccurate social media posts hide cruelty in plain sight.
Boss was caught and injured by a snare. This is his story, as told by his guardian Amanda Duke.
Documentary video by wildlife photographer shows impact of inhumane snares.
Kimberly Ross shares the tragic story of her family's companion Titus dying in a legally set snare adjacent to their farm.
We are calling on the government of British Columbia to immediately enact a trap warning sign system that requires trappers to post bright, visible signage at all access points when traps are within 20 metres of a street, service road, trail, pathway, or other publicly accessible area.
$15,288.50 in damages sought according to court documents obtained by The Fur-Bearers
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002