Alexander McQueen and Balenciaga go fur-free
The Fur-Bearers, with The Fur Free Alliance, celebrates as more Kering brands join fur-free Gucci and Bottega Veneta.
The Fur-Bearers, with The Fur Free Alliance, celebrates as more Kering brands join fur-free Gucci and Bottega Veneta.
High-level report highlights ongoing concerns surrounding farms, advises transitioning owners to green, climate-meeting goals.
Dozens of department stores will phase out all fur by 2021, luxury store announces with HSUS.
The Times reports plans are being prepared for banning fur sales.
Research Co. survey highlights Canadian attitudes on animals.
PETA announces realtor is phasing out fur from inventory
Precedent-setting decision a major victory in America.
High percentage of mink tested positive on Aragon fur farm recently.
Our response to the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture regarding COVID-19 and mink farms in the province.
Partij voor de Dieren reports victory for millions of mink in Netherlands.
CBC article and analysis shows massive losses amid a disappearing market.
13 mink farms are uninspected and running in British Columbia.
Coronavirus is spreading in European mink farms – yet BC’s mink farms haven’t been inspected in over a year.
The Fur-Bearers calls on government to put protections in place at fur farms.
News in line with company’s slow movement away from fur.
Many dangerous viruses have stemmed from exploitation of animals.
Awkward conversations with family and friends can help the animals.
For the next seven days, any donation you may to our campaign to regain charitable status will be DOUBLED up to $5,000!
Survey reveals strong majority want to #MakeFurHistory
Before you scroll away, consider if your family pet had to endure this treatment.
Number three shocks people, but we're most surprised how few know about number one!
The Fur-Bearers and two American-based organizations target ‘humane fur’ claims in United States.
How to find animal-free jackets that will keep you warm all winter!
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002