The Fur-Bearers release free beaver coexistence book
Booklet includes overview of beaver coexistence strategies and extensive references.
Booklet includes overview of beaver coexistence strategies and extensive references.
Bears are being killed because people leave out attractants, and government policy is to kill those who become “habituated.” We all have a role to play in ending this.
Dr. Max Foran takes on the history, establishment, and politics of wildlife policy and challenges the status quo.
Go in-depth with Dr. Max Foran on the new book that's a must read for every animal lover in Canada!
Dr. Max Foran challenges the philosophy, history, and practices of wildlife management in Canada with his new book The Subjugation of Canadian Wildlife. Hear more in five with this news brief!
Bears are looking for an easy meal in BC. It’s up to us to protect them from conflict, and potential lethal action, with responsible waste management practices.
Wildlife management plans claim to be science based, but a new study shows that may not be true. Hear it in 5-minutes with this Defender Radio News Brief!
Human activity ultimately led to the deaths of several wolves, including their pups.
It’s called a wolf management plan. It’s really a policy that protects the ability of hunters, trappers, ranchers and just about anyone else to kill as many wolves as often as they can.
The Management Plan for the Grey Wolf was released on April 17, 2014, just before the Easter holiday. After months of attempts to uncover the plan by traditional media and advocates, it is clear what the government was trying to keep out of the public’s eye.
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002