Getting To Know Coyotes
Lesley Sampson of Coyote Watch Canada answers audience questions on this episode of the Defender Radio Podcast!
Lesley Sampson of Coyote Watch Canada answers audience questions on this episode of the Defender Radio Podcast!
What we know, what people are saying and how it's going to impact the animals on this week's Defender Radio podcast, featuring Faunalytics.
Report shows mountain caribou have lost more habitat than what's needed for their survival.
Ecotourism keeps visitors – and the animals they’re viewing – happy and healthy. Hear more about ethical, sustainable and successful ecotourism from Eric Boyum of Ocean Adventures on the Defender Radio podcast!
Aspring black bear hunt doesn’t solve conflict, orphans cubs and isn’t a major part of Northern Ontario’s tourism. Hear more from Mike McIntosh of Bear With Us Sanctuary and Rehabilitation Centre on this week’s podcast.
Ontario legislation targets advocates, not animal abusers. Animal Justice joins the show to discuss Bill 156 as well as the new animal welfare laws introduced to replace the OSPCA’s enforcement role.
The Fur-Bearers are re-applying for charitable status and need your help!
Bryce Casavant joins the Defender Radio Podcast to explore effective communication regarding complaints, Freedom of Information and more for wildlife advocates and community members.
Tim Gordon shares why he and colleagues wrote a paper challenging the status quo for researchers’ mental health in the era of a climate crisis.
Luci Cadman of North Shore Black Bear Society explains how people can help keep bears safe as they prepare for hibernation.
Lisa Dahlseide joins the show to discuss the Saturday, November 2 event in Cochrane, Alberta.
Jo-Anne McArthur joins Defender Radio to discuss the new We Animals Media site, her Masterclass, advocacy and more!
Killing canids in Northern Ontario won't help moose populations, but it could have far reaching impacts. Hannah Barron of Earthroots joins Defender Radio to discuss this proposed policy.
Dr. Kristen Walker of UBC talks compassionate conservation, coexistence, harm reduction in wildlife research and more!
How do you grow empathy and protect the future for non-human animals in a part of the world most people will never visit? One company has the answer – and the science to back it up.
Dr. Marc Bekoff talks Unleashing Your Dog, the new field guide to giving your dog their best life, co-authored by Dr. Jessica Pierce.
And Luci Cadman of the North Shore Black Bear Society knows how we can treat it. Find out more on this episode of the Defender Radio podcast!
The BC SPCA wants cats to have a safe place outside and joined the podcast to discuss catios.
Plans to protect mountain caribou are being developed, but will industry and political misinformation mixed with willful ignorance of economics and science determine their fate? Charlotte Dawe of the Wilderness Committee joins Defender Radio to discuss.
The Fur-Bearers and Defender Radio are proud to announce the launch of a new project: The Young Defenders, a site and podcast to help youth Defend The Future Of Wildlife And The Environment Through Education, Communication and Kindness.
Fur Policy Director at HSUS joins the Defender Radio podcast to share how he helped get Armani and other companies to drop fur and what advocates can do to move the fur-free initiative forward.
A year after finding a beaver in a trap, residents celebrate in-field solutions and protections for the keystone species in Belleville, Ontario.
Host Michael Howie shares the news that Defender Radio has reached 100,000 downloads, and gets a surprise midway through recording!
Lisa Winn of Ladybird Animal Sanctuary joins the podcast to talk Easter bunnies, why you should always focus on adoption for pets, and what welcoming a rabbit into your family means.
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002