Traps, drink lids and jars injuring BC skunks
UPSETTING IMAGES: Critter Care Wildlife Society reports numerous human-caused injuries to skunks.
UPSETTING IMAGES: Critter Care Wildlife Society reports numerous human-caused injuries to skunks.
Urban, suburban, or rural, skunks are keeping communities healthy!
Need solutions to dealing with the smell or knowing when to seek veterinary care?
Covering drainage holes or using a mesh protector may be required by law in your municipality and will prevent injuries to skunks.
You can coexist with skunks in your neighbourhood. These five facts will help get you started!
Volunteer writer Réjeanne Lacroix breaks down six common misconceptions about neighbourhood skunks – and that can help us coexist.
“People sometimes don’t realize how much wildlife is all around them,” writes Michael Howie. “Trail cameras give us a glimpse into an ecosystem we rarely get to see.”
Have you utilized these five tips to prevent negative encounters for you, pets and neighbourhood skunks?
NO GRAPHIC IMAGES: A skunk injured by an illegal trap was humanely euthanized by wildlife rehabilitators.
Even more ways you can help wildlife this spring! Which ones are you going to do?
The Fur-Bearers have four ways that you can help skunks in your neighbourhood that are as simple as 1, 2, 3…
The Fur-Bearers have four ways that you can help skunks in your neighbourhood that are as simple as 1, 2, 3… and 4!
Protecting our striped friends is as simple as 1, 2, 3… and 4!
It is always shocking and disturbing when homeowners find animals injured by traps. But when it’s in the middle of a major city, another dimension
The City of Hamilton (Ontario) is experiencing an unusual spike in raccoon rabies cases this season – and despite what the media has implied, the
As a company with clear Canadian values on the environment and animal welfare, we today write you in hopes that you will take a leadership role in solving a wildlife-related issue.
A juvenile female skunk, likely looking for her own territory after leaving her mother in the Delta region, is the latest victim of a cruel
It’s not unusual for people to put up a stink in the early spring, when skunks are starting to look for food and mates. In
The stories of traps and their victims have been in the Calgary media lately. From a beaver tortured in an allegedly humane Conibear trap to
You did it! The City of Windsor Council tonight voted unanimously to end the trapping portion of their skunk program. After a long, at times
One year ago, the City of Windsor, Ontario, announced it would manage the apparent climb in the local skunk population with a lethal program. Residents
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002