ACTION ALERT: Tell British Columbia to ban glue traps
The province needs to hear that citizens like you are calling for change in the sale, purchase and use of inhumane glue traps!
The province needs to hear that citizens like you are calling for change in the sale, purchase and use of inhumane glue traps!
Upcoming federal and Ontario elections an opportunity to engage political candidates on important issues
Acute and chronic toxic levels of chloride found throughout waterways of the national capital
Data suggests 303 black bears killed is a 49.7% drop from previous year, though much work remains to be done.
A polar vortex is creating a sudden cold snap across much of Canada, and these tips can help you support local animals.
Tips to enjoy viewing feathered friends that keep ecosystems and wildlife safe during your adventure.
Celebrate everything we achieved for the animals together through 2024 with our Year in Review video!
Wildlife-themed colouring pages, crossword puzzles, and holiday podcasts to keep your days merry and bright over the holidays.
Dr. Valli Fraser-Celin breaks down a scientific analysis of species at risk legislation across Canadian provinces and territories.
Take a break from the hectic holiday season with this fun, educational crossword puzzle featuring fur-bearing animals!
Online and BC-based retailer provides monthly donation program to support charities
Proper drug disposal and not feeding wildlife can prevent similar situations in future.
Dr. Valli Fraser-Celin reviews a study that indicates the use of camera-trapping can be effective at monitoring wildlife populations in a minimally-invasive way.
A record 15 individual incidents of pets caught in traps set for wildlife in 2021 and 2023.
You may be surprised to learn third tip – and the visual impact it could have on your winter landscape.
Dr. Valli Fraser-Celin breaks down a study that can help understand the causes behind declines – and therefore the solutions.
You can help local wildlife and your companion animals sail through the creepy season with these tips!
Learn more about these inherently inhumane devices, how to release pets from them, and more.
Want to get an animal out of your house but don’t want to hurt them? Nicole Fenwick of the BC SPCA shares how to find humane wildlife removal in BC!
It’s time to WIN for Wildlife with The Fur-Bearers’ Abundant Autumn 50/50 draw! This British Columbia-only (as per gaming guidelines) raffle is your opportunity to
The video showing a BC man speak calmly to, clap at, and create space for a black bear he found in his open garage showcases the best way to respond in an encounter.
Take action to stop this cruel practice and protect wildlife in Ontario today!
The Fur-Bearers attended the 2024 Union of British Columbia Municipalities convention. Read our post-convention report and updates on wildlife resolutions.
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002