3 Ways DST Ending Impacts Animals
You’ll love the extra hour of sleep. Your furry companions and local wildlife may be less enthused.
You’ll love the extra hour of sleep. Your furry companions and local wildlife may be less enthused.
Wild Coast Perfume explains what animal products are used in perfume and cologne – and how to avoid them.
Help identify outstanding individuals who have improved the lives of fur-bearing animals in Canada!
You’ve probably heard the word, but do you know all the places you can find ecosystems?
Skinniness should not be a death sentence for bear cubs in British Columbia. The Fur-Bearers is calling for change to protect young bears.
Coyote Watch Canada and The Fur-Bearers appeal to City of Ottawa to use coexistence solutions, not lethal control, to end negative encounters.
Questions to ask yourself when you want to share video or photos of local wildlife.
Help Canadian wildlife this holiday season by participating in our fall silent auction! Over $9,000 in value to help animals nationwide.
The Fur-Bearers joins a coalition of NGOs calling for province to withdraw bill that would allow greater use of cosmetic pesticides.
Do you have an arts-based or research project that focuses on coexisting with fur-bearing animals? You may be eligible for our scholarships!
The Fur-Bearers is proud to announce that we’ve integrated translation software and will be populating our website with versions of our content in French beginning in early winter 2022.
An adorable front door or perfectly instagrammable setup could be ideal for you, but hazardous for local wildlife. You may be surprised by these 4 tips!
Get to know all about the American badger and their lives in Canada with this in-depth article!
First online, BC-only 50/50 raffle was a HUGE success with a final jackpot of over $11k!
Traps are damaging and leading to the loss of toes of grizzly bears, new paper shows.
Young animals are seeking new den sites and food sources as summer fades into fall. These tips will help keep them out of your home!
Read about a project that features projected animations of wildlife in urban environments.
Beavers living in the Watson Slough wetland to be killed by the provincial Crown corporation
Our bear awareness door hangers are hitting doors in communities across British Columbia and Canada!
Raffle will support humane education projects for children that promote wildlife coexistence!
Read our letter to the Auditor General calling for an audit of the BCCOS.
Regulatory changes for two rabbit species revealed in spring are now in place; root causes of issue go unaddressed.
A 6′ fence keeps human visitors from entering the yard. What impact might it have on local wildlife? A trail cam reveals what happened!
Read our recent letter sent to Calgary Mayor and Council regarding beavers being trapped by the city.
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002