International Wolf Day: Celebrating Canada’s Wolves
This International Wolf Day, learn all about what The Fur-Bearers is doing to protect wolves in Canada, and what you can do to help.
This International Wolf Day, learn all about what The Fur-Bearers is doing to protect wolves in Canada, and what you can do to help.
Your voice is needed to stop the inherently inhumane industry that puts animals, the environment, and public health at risk.
An iconic Canadian species, wolves play an important role in the country’s ecosystems. But what perspectives do Canadians have towards wolves?
This post does not contain any graphic photos. Take action to help end the inhumane wolf cull in British Columbia.
Wildlife protection organization calls for immediate moratorium and audit of 2021-2022 wolf cull activities
The Fur-Bearers put together a simple, download-and-print PDF with colouring pages, a word search, and a maze – all with fascinating facts about wolves!
The Government of British Columbia hires contractors to shoot wolves from helicopters. Should the public trust the government when it says this is humane?
The Fur-Bearers has obtained new documents that reveal how wolves are being killed by government contractors in BC’s remote wilderness.
The Fur-Bearers has obtained documents that detail the process of capturing wolves in British Columbia’s wolf cull.
BC plans to kill wolves for five more years in a bid to protect endangered caribou. But survey results show most people oppose their plans.
Author and photographer Cheryl Alexander joins the Defender Radio podcast to discuss her new book and how she got to know the lone wolf. Takaya (2020, Rocky Mountain Books) is available at local bookstores, libraries and at
Send a letter to your MP asking the Canadian Federal Government to protect wildlife against train and vehicle mortalities in National Parks.
A new paper contests the policy-setting study that led British Columbia down the path of killing hundreds of wolves in a cull. Amelia Porter, one of The Fur-Bearers' science advisors, joined Defender Radio to explore both studies and what the updated information could mean.
Aerial killings of wolves the centre of court filings.
NGO alleges aerial shooting is in contravention of BC law.
Non-lethal solutions exist and can protect at-risk caribou without slaughtering wolves.
Killing canids in Northern Ontario won't help moose populations, but it could have far reaching impacts. Hannah Barron of Earthroots joins Defender Radio to discuss this proposed policy.
Plans to protect mountain caribou are being developed, but will industry and political misinformation mixed with willful ignorance of economics and science determine their fate? Charlotte Dawe of the Wilderness Committee joins Defender Radio to discuss.
The Fur-Bearers are offering $1,000 to identify and convict the person(s) responsible for killing a beloved family pet and poaching. There are no graphic images in this article.
Charlotte Dawe of the Wilderness Committee tells Defender Radio why plans to save species by killing others are inherently flawed and what we can do to get conservation efforts right.
TAKE ACTION: Wildlife killing contests are unscientific, inherently inhumane, and go against the ethics of most Canadians. It's time for British Columbia to end them.
Dr. Gilbert Proulx’s book spells out the scientific case to end the use of snares and strychnine.
Killing an animal designated as threatened is okay, if it’s “by accident.”
Documentary video by wildlife photographer shows impact of inhumane snares.
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002