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We’re Challenging The BC Wolf Cull

The Fur-Bearers are challenging the BC wolf cull – and need your support to ensure our campaign is heard and seen by as many residents as possible. 

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Woodland Caribou are listed under the federal Species At Risk Act, and many herds’ populations have dwindled largely as a result of disruptions and changes to caribou habitat from resource development. Habitat disturbance and destruction caused by industrial development has in turn altered the natural dynamics between caribou and their predators. But instead of focusing on the root causes driving caribou declines, the government of British Columbia has undertaken a cull of wolves (and cougars) in several regions in recent years. This predator reduction program was renewed for an additional five-year period in 2022.

The methods used include Judas Wolves and aerial gunning. The Fur-Bearers believes neither of these methods are humane, and the province must fully address the root cause of caribou declines: human disruptions to ecosystems. Read our full position statement, see results of Freedom of Information requests and more by clicking here to visit our BC Wolf Cull page.

How You Can Help

The Fur-Bearers’ campaign to challenge and end the BC wolf cull is largely dependent on your support to amplify our reach and show more people the unsettling facts of this government program. Our campaign may include:

  • Geotargeted video distribution and static social media advertisements;
  • Transit and terminal advertisements;
  • Continued Freedom of Information requests and analysis;
  • Action items for BC residents, connecting them with elected representatives; and,
  • Action items for non-BC Canadian residents, as well as international followers.

The success implementation of these tools and tactics will require a successful Giving Tuesday campaign in 2022. Please consider a donation and sharing this page across your social media networks!

Donate Now

All eligible donations will receive a Canadian charitable tax receipt, sent out at year’s end as a summary. An anonymous donor has offered a gift of $5,000 in matching funds! That means for every $50 you donate, they’ll donate $50 as well, up to a total of $5,000. Help us put the spotlight on the BC government’s ongoing wolf cull by donating now.

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