Coyote survey to understand public perceptions in Vancouver

A western coyote
A coyote (Canis latrans) in Vancouver. Photo by Devonyu / Getty Images

A group of University of British Columbia (UBC) students are hoping to garner a deeper understanding of how the public of the Greater Vancouver area perceive coyotes with a short survey.

The students, working under the supervision of Dr. Kristen Walker and with the guidance of Stanley Park Ecology Society’s Co-Existing with Coyotes program coordinator, are asking residents in the Greater Vancouver area to participate in their short survey.

From the group:

Are you 18 years or older and live in the Greater Vancouver area? We would like your feedback! Please consider taking this survey that gauges public perceptions of coyotes in the Greater Vancouver area. The survey is anonymous and will take 10-15 mins to complete. The survey is designed to gather public input on coyote interactions and mitigation strategies to help guide management strategies in the region. The survey is being conducted by the University of British Columbia in collaboration with the Stanley Park Ecology Society’s Co-existing with the Coyotes Program. You can access the survey here:

The Fur-Bearers are not affiliated with this survey. If you’d like to learn more, visit the survey link or check out the survey’s social media pages on Facebook and Instagram.

Take the survey!

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