CO searches for BC coyote who removed own trap – by amputation

A Kelowna-area Conservation Officer has spent several hours trying to catch a coyote who was reported to have a foot-hold trap on his paw. Sunday morning, the coyote was seen – this time without his paw.

According to, CO Ken Owens noted that it would appear the coyote has amputated his own paw.

“The report we received…was that this coyote was mobile and it had a foot trap on its leg which is not cool,” he told Castanet. “It’s always disconcerting when we get these calls because when the proper trapping methods are utilized this shouldn’t happen.”

Unfortunately, it does, over and over again.

Regardless of how often terms like ‘humane’ and ‘regulated’ are thrown around by the fur industry and trappers, it is always factitious.

We regularly hear these horror stories – coyotes or foxes with missing limbs; domestic dogs being injured and horrified by triggering traps in public areas; and the long, lingering death of wild animals.

Learn the truth about trapping and how you can make a difference.

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