The mission of The Fur-Bearers is to end the commercial fur trade and to protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement.
When you make the commitment to volunteer for the The Fur-Bearers not only will you be helping animals and spreading our message, you’ll be gaining experience.
Writing team member
We need voices! Help us by writing your government representative or to your local, or national, newspaper or media on various issues that come up.
Arts team member: Craft donations
Are you one of those talented people that can paint, sew, craft, pottery or anything totally adorable or amazing that we can use for online or auction fundraising? Contact us with your ideas and lets get crafting!
Fox box team member
Our donation box, the Fox Box, needs people to find businesses to place the donation box, and/or collect the money and replenish the buttons for donation at locations around Canada. Requires once a month collecting and replenishing.
Hit the streets team: Leafletting
Help spreading the word about going fur free and co-existence with wildlife! Get materials from us, and hand them out or take to businesses, schools, etc..
If you agree with our mission, we would love to have you as a volunteer. Please contact Sydney at Sydney@TheFurBearers.com and let us know what kind of volunteering interests you (and why), as well as your availability!
All of your personal information is kept secure and safe.