For homeowners

Homeowners in suburban, urban, and sometimes even rural environments will inevitably find themselves with wildlife around their houses. That will not, of course, mean that conflict occurs. There are some smiple steps that every homeowner can take that will prevent conflict from beginning, which include:

  • Do not feed wildlife. This shows animals that humans are a valid food source. We want them to believe the opposite. Table scraps and leftovers should never be left outside.
  • Keep pet food indoors. This can attract wildlife to your property and can cause territorial behaviours to develop around that food source.
  • Remove excess bird seed from your lawn. Excess seed will not only attract birds, but rodents, rabbits and squirrels too, which will in turn attract larger, predatory animals.
  • In the summer, remove fallen tree fruit. This attracts rodents, which will in turn attract larger, predatory animals.
  • Keep dogs attended, and ensure small dogs are leashed. Do not let your dog chase wildlife and keep them safe from conflict with wildlife.
  • Keep cats indoors. Cats can both be destructive forces in ecosystems and also be mistaken for prey species by larger animals.
  • Secure garbage and compost with tight fitting lids, ideally making them inaccessible to scavenging animals.
  • Rinse all recycling food containers well.
  • Keep a clean and tidy yard. Remove old woodpiles and keep sheds in good repair.

Brad Gates, owner of AAA Gates’ Wildlife Control, is a great friend of The Fur-Bearers – and animals across the country. Brad is a reputable wildlife removal expert who has spoken out against his own industry to improve conditions for workers, homeowners, and the animals. He offers several tips in preventing conflict and home inspections in this video.

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