Trapping Bylaws

While trapping is regulated by provincial and territorial governments, municipalities have an important role to play to protect citizens, wildlife, and pets from the dangers of wildlife traps set in densely-populated areas. Many municipalities across Canada have implemented bylaws that restrict trapping within their jurisdiction. The bylaws range from comprehensive restrictions of all types of traps within municipal boundaries, to restrictions on specific traps in defined areas.
Municipal trapping restrictions are essential to protect the public and animals from the dangers of traps. Combined with measures that promote humane, non-lethal approaches to urban wildlife management, trapping bylaws are instrumental for local governments to adopt coexistence solutions in their communities.
The Fur-Bearers compiles a list of trapping restrictions across Canada that can be seen in the table below. Click the link under ‘Bylaw Name’ to download the bylaw and read the trapping-related restriction of each municipality. If you know of municipalities that have implemented trapping-related bylaws that are not included on this page, please send an email to [email protected] with the name of the municipality and the bylaw name and number.