Coyotes good news for a slow news week

In the small town of Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia, a coyote was sighted near a school. And that's it for the story. At the end of the school day, children went home, and apparently so did the coyote.

Yet this non-event still led to an article in a local newspaper. The harrowing account of someone seeing a coyote was the extent of the story, with a note at the end reminding readers that “it's all about awareness.”

But other than the fact that a coyote was present, they provided no awareness or education. It remains up to residents to ask questions like whether or not their children are safe (they are), why a coyote is hanging out in that area (it's invariably food sources), and what they can do (co-exist).

While this media outlet did not sensationalize to the extent others have, they did do a disservice to their readers in missing an opportunity for education.

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