Czech Republic eyes ban on fur farming

Another European nation is considering an outright ban against the breeding, confining, and killing of fur-bearing animals for their skins. News outlet Hospodarske Novinywrote that a group of 20 politicians have put forward legislation that would outlaw the practice of fur farming in the Czech Republic by 2018.

“Breeding and killing animals for the purpose of obtaining their fur is hardly acceptable in the 21st century,” said one of the authors of the proposed law.

The United Kingdom and Austria have already banned fur farming, and it is expected Germany may do so as well.

It is becoming impossible for politicians with a shred of ethics to continue supporting the industry, as year after year looks inside the fur farms show how atrocious conditions can be. Disease is rampant, extreme behavioural conditions like cannibalism and self-mutilation arise, and the environmental devastation is difficult to fathom.

And a simple downturn in the economy drives the entire industry into the ground – multiple previously successful fur farms in Nova Scotia are closing their doors due to a lack of interest in fur products and an oversaturated market, even after a $20,000,00 bailout to the province’s farms two years ago.

The Czech Republic won’t be the last to ban fur farming – not by a long shot. We just hope that Canada doesn’t turn out to be the one nation that holds on to cruelty and chooses to #MakeFurHistory.

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