In an interview with the CBC, Kara Dennill – who contacted the Department of Environment and Natural Resources after finding the fox – expressed her disgust and concern.
"We realized there was a foot hold trap on his front left or right paw and he was having troublewalking and even getting away from us,"she said.
A wildlife official stated that the fox was found and killed due to his deteriorating condition and noted that trappers should “make sure your traps are working properly so this situation doesn’t happen.”
Dennill commented that “they need to set traps correctly or not set traps at all. Wildlife like this should not be suffering."
Unfortunately, a properly set trap will not end suffering. The only difference is the probability that someone other than the trapper will see the inherently cruel capturing of a wild animal and the brutal death awaiting them.
There is no way for trapping to be humane. Despite the lobbying efforts of trappers and the full-of-loopholes AIHTS, the use of leg-hold, Conibear, body-gripping or snare traps will always be cruel and always be a terrifying and horrific experience for any animal – be it wild or domestic – caught in their clutches.
Please contact your MPP or MLA and tell them it’s time to end trapping in Canada.