It isn’t skunks stinking up Windsor

Something sure does smell in Windsor, Ontario, these days, but it isn’t the skunks.

The City of Windsor has reacted to some residents’ concerns about the prevalence of local skunks by spending $80,000 on a trap and kill program. That’s right – because some citizens don’t like skunks, the entire population has been marked for extermination.

Despite the Ministry of Natural Resources disapproving a cull, shunning from local and national welfare groups and an outcry from citizens across the country, City Council approved the plan. We know that as of August 20, more than a dozen skunks were caught and killed in the city.

Trapping is an ineffective means of dealing with wildlife concerns. It does not address the root cause for any population or behaviour changes; it covers over a situation and allows politicians to feel they’ve done something. And all the while, animals – be they young, old, sick or healthy – suffer. Even if every single skunk in Windsor was killed in this cull, by not addressing the root causes, skunks – and other wildlife trapped and killed – will simply return in seasons to come.

We are calling on the City of Windsor to end their cull and instead use scientifically-valid methods of managing wildlife, including wildlife feeding bylaws, environmental engineering and education. This model of management works around the world with numerous species – because it does address the root causes of a change in population and behaviour.

In partnership with LUSH Cosmetics (Windsor location), we are supplying thousands of post cards addressed to Windsor City Council for residents and supporters to sign and send in, disavowing this barbaric and outdated method of “control” and demanding they do better.

By submitting one of these post cards – or using our auto-form below, and sharing this message across the internet via social media and email, we can affect change. We can provide a better environment for all those who live in our communities. We can save the lives of innocent animals. We can do better.

Photo by Vladeb


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Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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