It’s time to reignite our call – ban the leg-hold trap in BC now!

Since the 1930s, APFA has called on the government to rid our provinces of these horrific devices – man-made instruments that are designed to hold an animal against their will, sometimes for days at a time.

Though minor modifications have been made to the devices since then – minuet spacing between the clamps or thin pieces of rubber added – they remain inherently cruel and unable to differentiate between the target species and anything else – endangered animals, domestic pets or others.

Municipalities in the province have requested an ability to ban the use of traps in their communities – and not heard back from the BC government for more than a year.

After a recent incident in Campbell River, BC, where a young cat was found dragging a leg-hold trap from her paw, we have decided it’s time to reignite our call to ban the leg-hold trap in BC.

We are asking all of you to join this call by contacting your MLA and telling them you want to see an end to these horrific devices in your communities.

Click here to find your MLA.

Sample Letter

To (MLA’s name here),

I am writing you to demand an end to the use of leg-hold hold traps in the province of British Columbia. For generations, these traps have played a role in destroying eco-systems, brutally injuring and torturing animals and capturing non-target species, including domestic pets.

I must ask that you take immediate steps to end the use of these devices. Trapping associations claim that they are humane – but the term ‘humane’ is only used in a trade agreement, not in any recommendation by those who understand animal welfare, such as veterinarians or humane societies.

A poll by Insights West in 2013 illustrated that more than 80 per cent of BC residents oppose the killing of animals for their fur.

I do not support the use of leg-hold traps in British Columbia. As my representative in the government of British Columbia, I ask that you do not support them, either.


(Your name here)

Include address for reference purposes.

Help Make A Difference

Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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