Kendall shaves her head for the animals!

Kendall shaves her head for the animals!

The Fur-Bearers were contacted by Kendall in June, noting she’d like to donate to non-profit as part of her birthday celebrations in September. The premise: raise $1,000 for the animals and, if the goal is reached, cut off all her hair (and shave her head) to donate to charity. We were immediately on board.

Over the Labour Day long weekend – and on her 25th birthday – Kendall was joined by The Fur-Bearers and some friends to officially chop off her long locks for 360 Hair in Langley, who will use 90% of it to make wigs for cancer patients.

In total, Kendall raised $1,184.75 to help Canadian wildlife through The Fur-Bearers! Her incredible efforts help provide in-field solutions to communities facing wildlife conflict, educates the general public about the inherently inhumane fur industry, and more!

Check out a video of the big event and a photo gallery below. And please share widely, thanking Kendall for all she does for her community (and wishing her a happy birthday)!

Help Make A Difference

Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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