To raise funds for a small town fire department in New York, a squirrel killing competition was held. Hunters of all ages were invited to take part in the “Squirrel Slam” and try to bag the largest squirrel. This event was blogged about by our partners at Friends of Animals (FOA), who in the past have offered to match the funds raised if the hunt was cancelled.
“Squirrels are like the gateway drug for young hunters,” said Priscilla Feral, president of FOA. “This type of contest desensitizes kids to killing and then they move onto larger animals.”
FOA is not only urging Holley, NY, residents to walk away from the Squirrel Slam, but wants all such killing contests banned in the state.
When FOA’s New York Director Edita Birnkrant travelled to the state legislature in Albany last year, she noted that “a lot of politicians didn’t even know about these animal killing contests and that they were legal.”
One of the largest hurdles about killing contests, culls and other forms of persecution against wildlife is the utter lack of education. Large-scale lobbyists compel politicians to side with them and hide the science and facts from policy makers.
We will continue to work with organizations like Friends of Animals to bring an end to this practice and show the world the truth of how our wildlife are treated.
Join us to add your voice to the protecting of fur-bearing animals in Canada.