According to The Telegraph, the Lynx UK Trust wants to bring back six of the wild cats to three areas.
“The British countryside is dying and lynx will bring it back to life,” Dr. Paul O’Donoghue of the Lynx UK Trust said in The Telegraph.
Currently, the Trust is consulting the public to gauge interest and potential impact prior to submitting their formal application. The Scottish Wildlife Trust successfully reintroduced beavers through a similar program – to great anticipation and scientific results.
A growing population of deer, who lack a natural predator in the countryside and forests of the UK, is one of the reasons for the reintroduction. Both Germany and Switzerland have successfully reintroduced the lynx to their lands.
Despite a world that is growing to understand the absolute need for these predators – amongst others – Canada continues to allow lynx to be killed in cruel traps, solely for their fur.
Is it a sign of our countries youth? Or that we simply haven’t hit the bottom of the barrel for ecosystem destruction?
Either way, it is something we all must keep in mind when the opportunity to choose our government comes this fall.
Photo by Kerri Martin Photography
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