Mainstream magazine in US takes on anti-trapping fight

For years, The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals has called out the fur and trapping industries for their lackluster response to non-target species catch, particularly in the cases of domestic pets.

And now a mainstream outdoors magazine in the United States has come to the same conclusion as us: wherever trapping occurs, pets are at risk.

Popular magazine Outside recently ran an article which outlined the horrors faced by pets in the United States in the last year – hundreds, perhaps thousands of pets killed by traps. With a rise in fur prices in the US, thousands of new trappers and traps are popping up.

“How much additional risk that represents for domestic animals is difficult to quantify, since there is no comprehensive database tracking incidents,” wrote Ryan Krogh. “But trappers commonly set two or three dozen traps each. Many are required by their state’s licensing laws to take safety courses, which also cover how close to trails the traps can be placed, but compliance varies.”

Like in Canada, there is no way to know how many pets are killed by traps each year – it is only through anecdotes and media reports that APFA has been able to track the ongoing incidents.

We strongly advise all our supporters to learn how to open traps for the safety of their pets and to be aware that at any time, from coast-to-coast, these traps can be found in urban and rural areas, including parks.

The only way to truly protect our furry families, however, is to end the use of traps. As provincial governments have turned their backs on the desires of citizens and continuously downloaded responsibilities, municipalities now have the ability to ban traps in their communities. Tell your local council that you want to see an end to trapping – for the safety of your pets, your neighbours and the wildlife that keeps ecosystems healthy.


Contact your local municipal representatives and tell them you want to see an end to trapping in your community. The sample letter below can be used in your efforts. Please copy [email protected] in any correspondence sent or received. We stand ready to act as a resource for any community wishing more information or assistance.

Photo of Sula after being caught in a trap in Manitoba

Sample letter

Dear Mayor and Council,

I am writing you as a concerned citizen and taxpayer of (insert municipality). Due to the lack of provincial guidance on the issue of trapping and the lethal risks to our pets I am asking you to implement a municipal-wide ban of leg-hold, body-gripping and snare traps.

Every year, pets are grievously injured and killed in these traps and there is no recourse for the owners of these pets. If it has not happened yet, it is only a matter of time before one of our pets is tortured in these devices.

The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals ( has by-law examples and is willing to work with you in this regard.

Please take action now, before it is too late.

(Your name and address)

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