The Fur-Bearers’ Annual General Meeting (AGM) was Wednesday, July 13, 2022, to elect new board members and approve the release of the fiscal year’s annual report. The meeting was held via Zoom, and welcomed supporters and members from across Canada (and the United States).
Retiring from the board at this meeting were Camran Monsef, Christine Pintea, and Kitty Borne. We are eternally grateful for their generosity and participation.
As per The Fur-Bearers’ by-laws, the new board was elected during the AGM; the positions of new members determined in a successive board meeting. The 2022 Board of Directors includes:
Erin Ryan, President
Ingrid Katzberg, Vice-President
Charly Jarrett (newly elected), Treasurer
Anne Carchesio, Secretary
Dr. Elisabeth Ormandy (newly elected), Director at Large
Profiles on our newly elected board members will be available in our About Us section soon.
2021-2022 Annual Report
Executive Director Lesley Fox, accompanied by The Fur-Bearers team, presented the 2021-2022 Annual Report at the AGM. The document, which is a review of our programs and campaigns, strategic plan, and other highlights, is now available to view. You can download it by clicking here, or use the PDF viewer below. It is also available in the Annual Reports section of our website.
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