Source: Peaceful Parks, Ontario
Trappers are an aging demographic, and are now pushing for a government sponsored, publicly funded trapping apprenticeship program to train the next wave of young trappers.
Trappers have their own industry association that can initiate an industry sponsored apprenticeship program. Public money should not be spent on such an archaic pastime, especially since the public tends to find trapping an objectionable practice. If the trapping industry is so adamant about goverment supporting their industry, they should utilize existing government training programs rather than seeking additional funds to prop up their dying industry.
Trappers and hunters are quick to remind us that they practice a tradition and are preserving ‘a way of life’ and therefore are entitled to public money. Here at APFA, we think custom is a poor excuse for behaviours we know to be cruel, and cause unnecessary harm and suffering.
Currently, there is support for this proposal from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
If you take issue with the use of public funds being used for a trapping apprenticeship program, please write directly to Premier Kathleen Wynne.