OPP officer runs down coyote three times before shooting it in Collingwood

OPP coyote collingwood
A disturbing video has arisen showing an Ontario Provincial Police officer in Collingwood repeatedly running over a coyote before finally shooting it.

The video, which was brought to the attention of The Fur-Bearers by several supporters, has been reported on by Simcoe.com and has also gone viral on Facebook. The video itself is graphic – shot from a distance at night, it is difficult to make out any details. However the cries of the witnesses can be plainly heard throughout – and are equally disturbing.

The OPP have stated that the coyote was “rabid” and “dangerous” and had to be killed; however, they have not responded to the question of why an officer would think it is permissible to use a vehicle to attempt to kill any animal. Even if the coyote was ill and needed to be euthanized, there is no reasonable logic that would lead to using a vehicle instead of a quick gunshot. It also illustrates how police are ill-equipped to manage wildlife-related issues.

The Fur-Bearers have issued a news statement requesting a full cruelty investigation take place, and are also offering the municipalities in the surrounding area any assistance in developing co-existence programs to prevent such horrific events in the future.

We will continue to provide updates on this disturbing news as it becomes available.


Write to the Ontario Provincial Police and demand that unless they operate in a municipality with appropriate response teams, officers must receive wildlife-related training to prevent these horrific tragedies from occuring again. Please use compassion in your letter – anger and hatred will not advance a conversation.

Contact the Ontario Provincial Police via email by clicking here.

Top photo screen capture from Facebook video

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