Our open letter to PM Justin Trudeau on the Trans Mountain expansion

Dear Prime Minister,

We know this decision cannot be simple for you. Kinder Morgan, a big oil company out of the United States, wants to spend a great deal of money in Canada on a pipeline expansion that they propose will make Canadians a lot of money. It’s understandable that you have to look at the potential economic impacts an expanded oil industry could provide for your programs and the people of our nation, and not outright reject every idea to which a few individuals object.

But that isn’t the case with the Trans Mountain expansion. Protests, vigils, letters, and petitions from not just British Columbia, but the entire country, are focused on stopping this expansion. First Nations people say they haven't been properly consulted. Political pundits are pointing to major flaws in the review process. Environmental experts and planners are waving red flags. And we, as lovers of the wildlife that can be so severely affected by even minor spills or leaks (and rely on unpaid volunteers to save them, without any assistance from the federal government), are asking you to do not what is only economically intelligent, but what is ecologically intelligent for the future of our nation.

The reality is that right now, we as a nation aren’t able to keep up with the spills and leaks we already have. The Bella Bella shipwreck is a perfect example of major issues in our system to prevent and respond to oil spills or leaks: a failure to enforce existing laws leads to a predictable accident that has a long-term impact economically and ecologically on a community far from your debates in Rideau Hall.

Please, Prime Minister Trudeau, invest in green energy, sustainable economics, and job creation that doesn’t put our future at risk. Say no to Trans Mountain.

Lesley Fox

Executive Director

The Fur-Bearers

Please write your own letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (pm@pm.gc.ca) on the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain proposal, as well as your MP (find them here) and let them know how you want your elected representatives to act.

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Established in 1953, The Fur-Bearers is a charitable, non-partisan organization whose goals are to end the commercial fur trade and promote solutions for wildlife coexistence in communities. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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