Port Moody beaver plan leaves baby beaver dead

Port Moody beaver plan leaves baby beaver dead

The Fur-Bearers are calling on the City of Port Moody to investigate its beaver management plan and decision-making processes following the preventable death of a beaver kit last week.

Through 2017, residents of Port Moody requested The Fur-Bearers work with the city as officials planned how to address a family of beavers in Pigeon Creek. The city did consult with The Fur-Bearers regarding tree protection in February 2017, but claimed their “experts” could manage the beavers when the family denned in culvert at the creek.

There is absolutely no reason that any of these beavers had to die what we can only imagine was a terrifying death to protect this culvert. We have worked with communities all over British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario, and trained with North America’s leaders and innovators in non-lethal beaver management. It is appalling to us that the City of Port Moody allowed this to happen.

The beloved beaver family has brought the community together, with residents lining up to watch them work on their dens and kits learn to swim.

The Fur-Bearers are calling for the City of Port Moody to initiate a public investigation into their management plan and the decision-making processes that led to the death of a beaver kit, and make recommendations to Council on how to prevent such tragedies in the future.

The compassionate people of Port Moody want to be enjoying the holiday season with their families, not worrying that preventable deaths are occurring in their neighbourhoods. Sadly, the beaver family won’t have that option this year.

You can contact Port Moody’s City Council and ask them to launch an investigation by emailing council@portmoody.ca.

Photo of Pigeon Creek beaver provided by Judy Atkinson.

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Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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