Save the lives of beavers this Giving Tuesday!

The Fur-Bearers have a generous donor matching gifts on Giving Tuesday - meaning we can DOUBLE our goal this year with your support!

This fundraiser has ended. To make a donation please visit or click the donate button at the top of this page.

Beavers are called “pests” or “nuisances” because their natural ecoengineering skills can interfere with human-made infrastructure or property. Even though they’re a wonderful, family-based, keystone species and there are solutions that can protect infrastructure and beavers, tens of thousands are killed in inherently inhumane body-gripping traps every year.

The Fur-Bearers know the best way to ensure the coexistence-based strategies work is to make them more available, and that’s why we’ve already provided two scholarships to individuals to receive training at the Beaver Institute. This year, Chris Holstag of VanIsle Wetlands, installed multiple flow devices in Port Alberni, British Columbia, ending the need for trapping in multiple locations. Another individual in Manitoba is currently receiving the training and will be able to protect beavers next year.

Every person who is trained increases capacity for life-saving, in-field coexistence solutions, reducing the need for cruel trapping. Our costs for these scholarships are about $3,465 CAD; our goal for this Giving Tuesday.

We have a generous donor matching all gifts up to $5,000! That means we’ll be able to DOUBLE our goal of $3,465 if you help us reach it on Giving Tuesday!

All donations receive a Canadian income tax receipt.

Help Make A Difference

Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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