Submissions Being Accepted for Compassionate Conservation Week 2017

Submissions Being Accepted for Compassionate Conservation Week 2017

Compassionate Conservation Week is back October 24 to 28, and we’re now accepting submissions for presentations!

This unique event replaced our traditional Living With Wildlife conference by utilizing webinar technology that can bring together speakers from around the world, with audiences from around the world. Anyone with a computer and an internet connection can attend or participate as a speaker (though speakers will need a microphone, which is quite inexpensive). Each day we will showcase two to three webinars from a variety of speakers, all of which help wildlife advocates, researchers, students, and animal lovers get their communities on track with the concept of compassionate conservation.

Last year’s Compassionate Conservation Week, a total of 11 presentations over five days, included:

  • Dr. Marc Bekoff (compassionate communication)
  • Dr. Sara Dubois (defining humane in wildlife policy)
  • Nick Coughlin (compassion and redefining masculinity)
  • Dr. Carrie Packwood Freeman (getting compassionate media coverage)
  • Dr. Erin McCance (urban deer planning)
  • Lesley Sampson (coyote conflict management)

The Fur-Bearers utilize AnyMeeting, web-based webinar software, which allows presenters from around the world to connect with audiences from anywhere an internet connection is available. The software allows for Powerpoint or PDF presentation slides (currently does not recognize transitions or audio/video plugins, but we can load YouTube videos during webinars), and allows for typed questions and answers. Each webinar is also recorded, so if someone can’t attend live, they’ll be able to access a full recording as part of their registration.

We are specifically looking for individuals with experience, expertise, research, or practical knowledge of subjects relating to wildlife (biology and conflict resolution), animals (human relationships with animals), ecosystem management and theory, and compassionate conservation (including related subjects in fields of sociology, anthropology, anthrozoology, etc.).

Please submit your abstract by July 7, 2017 to Michael Howie at [email protected], and be sure to include a proposed title, length of presentation, and a brief biography about yourself. Those selected will be contacted by July 31, 2017.

We can’t wait to “see” you at Compassionate Conservation Week 2017!

monthly donor(for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) pleaseclick hereand help us save lives today.

Help Make A Difference

Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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