With their help, APFA sent notice to all elected officials in the City of Calgary, requesting a meeting to discuss a potential trap ban. Our emails and calls were not returned. Now, we’re stepping it up.
We have created an official petition that will be circulated throughout the community. This petition will establish that the people of Calgary are against the inhumane use of cruel traps and they want the practice to end.
A group of volunteers will be taking the petition to popular dog parks, events and more locations to get signatures. We will update our supporters through our social media sites as we learn details about these locations.
A copy of the petition can be downloaded on this page; please collect signatures in Calgary (name must be signed, not printed, and full address must be provided), and send it to us in the mail (179 W. Broadway, Vancouver, V5Y 1P4). We will formally introduce all the signatures to Council at a future date.
Change will come – but only if you add your voice to the many.
An online petition is now available for international animal lovers, too. Please sign and share – and if you live in Calgary, download the petition to collect paper signatures!