Trap tortures Abbotsford raccoon

Duke Raccoon Trap
It was an end that came to soon for a raccoon in Abbotsford, B.C., though one that was brought on by mercy. The young raccoon was found in a tree in a residential neighbourhood, frightened and in pain, a trap firmly locked on his front right paw.

After being transferred to Critter Care by local animal control operators, he was assessed thoroughly. The trap, a Duke Raccoon Trap, was likely on his paw for days. Though bones did not appear broken, the spring was so tight that rehabilitators saw signs of necrosis already setting in on the tissue of the afflicted paw. He was humanely euthanized due to the severity of his injury and obvious pain and distress he was suffering.

This is another example of a failed attempt at wildlife “management” practices. Be it urban or rural, trapping is not a solution. Not only is it horrendously cruel, but trapping and/or culling is ineffective: species such as raccoons can re-establish their populations within only a few years after being completely removed. Other animals, such as coyotes, will actually increase their litter sizes and accept greater population densities when persecuted. Yet municipalities continue to allow this archaic practice and will even pay for it.

Meanwhile, trappers profit both in their attempt to act as “managers” of wildlife, and again as sellers of furs. Yet municipalities – and even some residents – fail to see this trap of the fur trade for what it is: an attempt to profit on the pain and suffering of wildlife.

When wildlife conflicts occur, it is most often due to human activity; it is therefore only the alteration of human activity that can end and prevent future conflicts. Wildlife feeding bylaws, properly enforced, can be enough to bring about solutions. Simple hazing techniques, ongoing education and involvement of responsible and humane wildlife management companies like AAA Wildlife Control (Gates’ AAA Wildlife Control in Ontario) can be a solution.

But pain, suffering and death – the tools of the fur trade – are never a solution.

Join us today to lend your voice to the animals and help us create a safe, humane Canada for our fur-bearing animals.

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Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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